
Mobilité internationale - Cork - Irlande

Par admin jules-fil2, publié le jeudi 14 avril 2022 19:56 - Mis à jour le lundi 18 avril 2022 16:53
Une équipe de professeurs en formation Erasmus+

Hello from Cork. Intensive English courses followed by 7 teachers of our school in Erasmus mobility.

Cathy :

A full week of courses and meetings at the Cork English College. Nice and helpful experience as a student!

Mari-Claude :

Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong. Oscar Wilde.

A grand mother sent  kisses to a bus driver who kindly gives way.
I always enjoy meeting young foreign people from all over the world.
A grand mother sent kisses to a bus driver who kindly gave way.

Jöelle :

Who as never forgoten his phone ?
Yacine and Stéphane are in the kitchen.
Beamish is the better stout of Ireland.

Christophe :

Learning english not only to speak english but to develop relationships all over the world. Cork English College is a place where you would see how english may be a common language between Taïwan, Spain, Brazil, France, Chilia, Japan, Canada and Ireland. An amazing experience I advice. Here we go !

Yassine :

The toilets were at the third floor.
My Host was waiting for a girl so i had to hide my personality to fix with them.

Éric :

I improved my english.
I walked on the rain.
I visited parks.

Stefan :

The wind shakes the green grass,
the sun shines in the River Lee,
the rain makes the oak tree grow,
And the Irish warm your heart.

Little game : find the translation for sentences behind.

To be like chalk and cheese
As stubborn as a mula
As strong as an ox
As proud as a peacok
As clever as a fox
To have a memory like a sieve
As white as a sheet
It s clear as mud
It s as dead as a dodo
I happens out of the blue
From scratch